on metric clock and date counting.

i must say that time counting is extremely burdened by traditions. 12 and 60 bases seems strange in the world of decimal bases used in displays. date counting with a complex and unnecessary month/week system is confusing.

so we should implement time counting based on decimal base and simplify date counting. for example, we can remove months altogether, align week start to year start, and excessive days at the end of the year can be holidays. we can also tweak week length. i think that a 4 day week with 1 holiday is better than a 7 day week with 2 holidays.

there are more subtle things that can be improved also. i do not like leap seconds time jumps. they create time discontinuity in random moments which is harmful for automatic systems. but we need some method of aligning time to earth rotation. so i think that it is better not to make leap seconds at random times but accumulate difference and insert big leap every 10 or even 100 years.

the current solar day length (2021) is very close to defined 86400 seconds, so we do not actually need leap seconds, but in 1970s, day was longer by something like 3ms. so if we take it for estimation, then we have 1 second per year, 10 second per 10 years and 100 seconds per 100 years. if mean day length difference will be of this magnitude we actually can forget about leap seconds until year 2100, i think. and only then we can perform a big time jump compensating for the accumulated difference.

PS: and DST should DIE of course.